
Putting up a Mezuzah in your home or office is a statement. Here  is ours:

"We offer our services free of charge"

As part of our ongoing services to the MetroWest Jewish community, we can help ensure that your home and office have kosher mezuzot. Whether you need to purchase new mezuzot, have old ones checked to make sure they are still valid or simply to install mezuzot to the doorpost, we are ready to help. 

There is no fee for our service. However, the scribe does charge fees for purchasing new mezuzot or having your old mezuzot checked. 

For more information or to set up an appointment please contact Rabbi Yisroel Rosenblum at (973)251-0205 or fill out this short form and we will contact you shortly.

 First name

  Last name



 State   Zip Code

 Home phone

 Cell number

 E-Mail address